Water treatment engineering

Top four myths around water treatment engineering

As you start to look for water treatment systems, you are bound to come across few myths. Yes, you read it right! Even as the technology around water treatment and filtration has grown by leaps and bounds, the myths are still alive. If you want to buy a good treatment technology for your property, it is important to debunk these misconceptions. And, for you to debunk these notions, you need to be aware of them.

In this post you will read about top four myths that have found a stronghold in the world of water treatments and filtration processes.

Let’s get started…

Myth #1: Your refrigerator is sufficient

If you have spent few extra dollars on a refrigerator that has an in-built water treatment facility, you are certainly not alone. Ever since the idea of refrigerators with filters and purification systems surfaced, it became a big hit. This is mainly because people don’t need to worry about drilling holes, finding a spot and spending money on special water treatment systems. Unfortunately, this is a very big mistake. And, it can cost you wellness and health in the long run.

Having a filter or purifier attached to your refrigeration is a nice thing. It might make your fridge appear expensive and sophisticated. But, it doesn’t handle contaminants and organic chemicals like a traditional water treatment system. After all, the refrigerator is not designed for this purpose. Even the worlds most advanced refrigerator is designed to eliminate only big particles. It cannot remove germs that are few microns big. This means, your family and you are still at the risk of catching illnesses that can be spread by water.

In order to debunk this myth, ensure that you execute water tests to identify the contaminants and chemicals in your supply. Consequently, choose a water treatment system that can handle these pollutants.

Myth #2: Filtering, Purifying and Softening are the same!

In the beginning, you are likely to assume that filtering, purifying and softening are equivalent. Indeed, these are three essential routines in any water treatment solution. But, they are completely different.

By definition, water filtering is the process of removing contaminants. This requires a filter. And, the kind of particles removed during the process depends on the pore size of your filter. When you want to get rid of stubborn, tiny germs – the pore size should be extremely small. On the other hand, if the only contaminants in your water are gravels and large stones – a filter with bigger pores will be sufficient.

Next, would be the purification routine. Many a times, softeners would miss certain chemicals and minerals from water. When the softener misses these particles, you need a system to identify and remove them. This is where the purifiers become useful. Purification is performed on water that has completed the softening process. During purification, chemicals and minerals are neatly removed from water.

In most water treatment systems, softening is one of the first few steps to be executed. Softening is required if your water is hard, and cannot be used directly. Softening doesn’t handle chlorine and fluoride issues. These problems are managed by the purifiers and filters. Thus, softeners are required to get rid of dissolved minerals that can make water hard.

When you buy a water treatment system, the filters will be installed at the very beginning. The role of these filters is to remove large particles from water. Meanwhile, the filters are also responsible for protecting the softeners. This is why the filters, purifiers and softeners need to be aligned properly. You need experience and thorough understanding of the systems to complete a safe, and proper installation.

Myth #3: Water Treatments are for the rich!

Water treatment systems play a major role in any household. They are important for your health and wellness. Unfortunately, most people relate the benefits of water treatments to something only the rich can afford. Thus, these systems are classified as sophisticated elements for any conventional household. If you are planning with this mindset, you need to change and search more.

Water treatment technologies have advanced significantly in the past few years. Today, you have so many solutions that are priced differently. In fact, there is a water treatment system for every need and every budget. When you scan through the market, you are bound to come across a water treatment system that would fit perfectly within your budget. What makes this much more interesting is that the water treatment solution will be capable of solving your problem to the fullest. This means, you don’t need to stretch beyond a certain limit to install a system that can handle all the pollutants and contaminants in your home.

One should remember that the money you spend on expensive bottled water can be reduced with the help of water treatment systems. This technology becomes a one-time investment. And, if you maintain the unit with care, you don’t need to worry about expensive repairs too! This is how simple and affordable water technologies have become.

Myth #4: Softeners rely on Salt for treating Water

In general, water treatment systems are sophisticated devices. These systems are designed with a purpose, and they have many fascinating functionalities. The idea that salt is used to soften water comes from traditional experiences. Though there is nothing wrong about having this impression – this is not how advanced water treatments work.

Softeners in your latest water systems will have a special media. This special medium is designed to attract contaminants and remove chemicals that make water hard. They are quite different from salts that soften water.


On the whole, water technologies have changed. Before you invest on a water treatment system, it is important for you to understand this. The reason why there are so many myths is: water treatments are essential and they have been around for decades. Thus, you are bound to come across myths and misconceptions, as you decide to make a buy.

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